씨튼영성센터 이미지
시튼영성센터 왼쪽 타이틀
  • 상담게시판
  • 포토갤러리
  • 공지사항
작성일 : 20-09-23 15:34
20차 씨예주를 마치며
 글쓴이 : 씨튼영성센터
조회 : 11,038  
...To be honest, before coming here, I didn't expect much.
But, I have truly enjoyed my weekend here.
It has been very interesting to here from different couples in various stayes of marriage.

...They have offered lots of sound advice that I will keep in mind throughout my own marriage.
I really enjoyed the individual time with the counselor.
It provided an intimate space where my wife and I could communicate without any outside distractions.

...It was also my first experience with a family tree, I learned new things about my wife's background,
and I'm grateful to get to know  another piece of her and where she comes from.
My favorite part was the 축복의 기도.
It was very special.
Even though I did not understand most of what the other couples said, it was very touching to see and feel their love
for each other.

...Thank you for a fruitful and meaningful experience.
Lastly, a very big thank you to Sister Mina for translating for me and working so hard these past few days.
I am grateful for your kindness.